Monday, November 28, 2011

New Drawing—Recovery

This is the second boat I have drawn for this client.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An Opportunity to do Something Good

I had a great opportunity this summer to work with a friend of mine in Chicago on a project for Father Flannigan's Boys' Town. My friend Erin was looking for an illustrator to create images for the annual fund raiser and she chose me to to do the work.

This was a treat for me. I got to work with Erin (great person, great designer) who I met along with a group of other designers at the HOW design conference 10 years ago. Our group has maintained contact and we often collaborate or discuss projects. The ultimate customer, Boys Town is a great charity and the founder, Father Flannigan, is a fellow Mount St. Mary's alumni.

Here are the original sketches along with the finished illustrations. In another entry, I will post Erin's final designs, which made my pictures look great and made them effective stickers and promotion graphics. Way to go Erin! If you get these in the mail, you will know the back story. Don't forget to give to Father Flannigan's Boys' Town.

Holiday Card Art

Just finished the illustration for this year's company holiday card. This is a Photoshop painting. I will upload stage images to show the process later. For now, here's the picture

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Arts in Easton Banner Program

2011 Marks 10th Anniversary
New This Year - Online Bidding

Press Release from Avalon Foundation about the banner program. Come bid on my banners! or go online and make a bid

EASTON, MARYLAND – October 28, 2011 – Enjoy Easton as an outdoor gallery. One of the most distinguished art opportunities is on display again this year with fresh artwork in downtown Easton, MD. Artists, art enthusiasts, locals and visitors may stroll through downtown Easton and enjoy the original works of art hanging from the lampposts. Each banner has two sides of unique art for all to enjoy. Placards are located at eye level on the lampposts to help identify the artists and their banners.

Celebrating its 10th year, The Arts In Easton Banner Program has 45 artists participating who have created 88 pieces of fine original artwork on banners of canvas material. Whether amateur or professional, their work adds depth to the experience and enjoyment of this charming small town.

The artists who participate in the program are representative of the hundreds of working artists in the area. This year we have expanded the program to include new banner artists to better demonstrate the talent in the community. There are artworks available this year from artists who have never participated in the program as well as returning artists.

Posters with all of the banners represented are available at the Avalon Theatre (40 E. Dover St.), Banner & Auction Guides (with map) will be available November 1 at the Avalon Theatre, Talbot County Visitors Center (11 S. Harrison St.) and the various galleries in Easton. Pick up a free guide to help you identify the banners and corresponding artists.

New this year – online bidding
Banners may be bid on in advance of the auction! Visit the newly developed website, to learn all of the details about this fun and exciting community program. Follow the simple instructions to start bidding on your favorites!

The banners will be auctioned at a lively free event with light fare, drinks and music, at the Waterfowl Festival Building, on Saturday, December 10th from 7pm to 9:30pm. Most of the artists attend the auction offering a great opportunity to talk shop with the creators of your favorite works. Kathy Hanna, Avalon Foundation Events Manager, said, “This is a most exciting and fun community event with exhilarating art available for purchase…a happening you do not want to miss.”

The banners are 30” x 40” and may be displayed or framed with or without the wording at the bottom (examples on website). They can be used indoors or outdoors and make great gifts. Patrons purchase banners for many reasons, the civic pride element, a chance to own unique original artwork, they are collectors and for gifts. Don’t miss the opportunity to support the community and own one or more of these fine pieces.

The Arts In Easton Banner Program is the work of the Avalon Foundation and is designed to help promote local artists, the arts in Easton and Easton as an arts destination. Proceeds from the auction benefit participating artists and support the work of the Avalon Foundation.

Banners may be previewed in advance of the auction (see website for times). Stopping by to see the banners prior to Saturday’s bidding frenzy is a great idea. People are often surprised by how many banners they have never seen before. Silent auction bids may be made during preview hours.

For all the particulars about The Arts In Easton Banner Program & Auction, visit…open 24 hours a day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

IF: Silent—Beagle at Rest

Haven't done Illustration Friday for a while. I needed to sketch a little today so that I could warm up for some commissioned drawings I need to get started. Baylee is our new beagle pup. She is often very noisy, but—as most babies do—she crashes hard. For a brief time she is SILENT, but then starts to snore contently.

Drawing was done with China Marker on white card stock. Pretty basic stuff here. The Old Dog goes Old School.