Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Catching up on my work

I've been spending a lot of time trying to get my computer upgraded for the past few weeks and I have neglected my blogging. I've been doing some painting and wanted to put it up here. It is my year for the Arts in Easton Banner Program and this year we are only doing one side. I did a painting of Baylee on a Black Chair for the program. I will put a photo up of the finished banner hanging in town, but for now here are the photos of the painting in progress.

Not long after finishing that I began working on a painting that I have been mulling over for a year. Alexis took some pictures of some local watermen tonging for oysters. I used her photo as source for my painting October Morning.

I have another painting that I worked on at the beach, but I can't post it until it is given to the person who is getting it as a gift. I'm not directly connected to that person, but I don't want to risk stealing anyone's thunder.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Latest Painting

For some reason, I have been thinking about painting a fox in the snow for a couple of months. About two  weeks ago, I started the painting and finished it this afternoon. I tried to create a sense of hot and cold extremes with the colors and I think I got what I wanted. As usual, I added the pictures of the work in progress.