Monday, November 14, 2011

IF: Silent—Beagle at Rest

Haven't done Illustration Friday for a while. I needed to sketch a little today so that I could warm up for some commissioned drawings I need to get started. Baylee is our new beagle pup. She is often very noisy, but—as most babies do—she crashes hard. For a brief time she is SILENT, but then starts to snore contently.

Drawing was done with China Marker on white card stock. Pretty basic stuff here. The Old Dog goes Old School.


  1. I used to love drawing with China Marker! This is a really nice drawing. What a great looking puppy!

  2. Holy cow are beagles not quiet. I have never had one - not sure I could do it. :) You've definitely captured him at a lovely, quiet moment. Really great drawing!

  3. this is great. i love the composition.

  4. Hi Dave. Wow, nice artwork, great blog! Thanks for stopping by too.

  5. Old school is beautiful, great work and thanks for your comment.
