Tuesday, July 20, 2010

IF: Breakfast

We were having a great deal of trouble keeping the bird feeders from the squirrels and attracting song birds. A friend suggested coating the feeder hook with vaseline and placing it away from anything the squirrels could jump from. That worked for a while until we had some hard rain.

After recoating, the finches are able to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner without interruption by the furry varmints.


  1. Hi Dave! Love your illo! We made a completely different cannister for the squirrels, fill it with ears of corn on the cob we get from the farm around the corner from us and it seems to keep the squirrels out of the bird feeders. The deer love it too!

  2. Very good work! Love your attention to detail!

  3. I love the feeling of bright sunlight.

  4. Beautiful. Captures the feel of morning.

  5. Really sharp...like your rendering style and great posing...
