Friday, July 23, 2010

New Work: In the Beans

This is hot off the easle. My latest painting, "In the Beans" is a picture of a white barn in a soy bean field along Oxford Road in Maryland. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

IF: Breakfast

We were having a great deal of trouble keeping the bird feeders from the squirrels and attracting song birds. A friend suggested coating the feeder hook with vaseline and placing it away from anything the squirrels could jump from. That worked for a while until we had some hard rain.

After recoating, the finches are able to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner without interruption by the furry varmints.

Monday, July 12, 2010

IF: Diary

I haven't posted in a little while, so I thought I would participate in Illustration Friday this week. The word is Diary, so I've drawn this young girl enjoying her swing after reading her diary. She seems to be enjoying herself.